Workshops Yin-Aerial Yoga
Workshop Yin Aerial Yoga
XL Yin-Aerial yoga workshop: Zaterdag 1 April 2023
- Unieke XL Workshop Yin-Aerial yoga!
- All levels welcome
- Early Bird price NOW: 29 eu (normal 33eu)
A unique 2 hours Aerial-Yin Workshop with the Kompassieyoga hammocks! Let’s immerse into a deep relaxation workshop with support of your (lower) hammock. The moment aerial yoga meets yin yoga, a beautiful gift for yourself is created that you wouldn’t want to miss out on. During this workshop we are taking our yin practice to the hammocks. In essence, the class remains a yin yoga practice. Long holdings of the asanas, opportunity to draw your attention within, and a space for deep relaxation. However, as we add the support of the hammock, we add other layers. A layer of trust. A layer of letting go of control. A layer of allowing an embrace. A layer of feeling deeply what you’re experiencing.
This will be a nurturing journey with Andrea and her experienced guidance. In to the deeper connective tissues you will find more space in your body and mind. With the magical support and guidance of the lower hammocks! A pampering weekend session of 2 hours!
All levels welcome – This Aerial-Yoga workshop is almost like a ‘mini holiday’! At the end of the workshop we offer you an extra-long Flying Savasana. With a deep guided visualization and relaxation in our hammocks. Also you can enjoy a wonderful mini massage in the hammock at the end of the Aerial-Yin workshop. Limited spots available.
– Your Investment for the 2 hour workshop: 33 euros. (all material and tea included)
* : Early bird: 29eu only!
Verder over Aerial yoga: Meer nog dan bij reguliere vormen van yoga kun je bij aerial yoga verrassende manieren van loslaten en verdieping van de poses oefenen, door de support van het doek. Nu de doeken lager hangen dan normaal en we er een speciale Yin practice op loslaten kom je zal je nog dieper elagen raken van facia, deep tissue stretch en diep gevoel van innerlijk loslaten en ontspannen..
DOCENT: Andrea (aste docent Kompassieyoga)
VOOR WIE: Voor iedereen. Aerial yoga ervaring is niet noodzakelijk.
MAXIMUM AANTAL DEELNEMERS: 10 (op volgorde van inschrijving, let op: vol is vol!)
PRIJS: Early Bird: 29 euro (tot 18 Maart )
NORMAAL tarief : 33 euro
Of mail ons als je wil meedoen: info@
Minimum aantal deelnemers: 6. Max 10.

Workshop Yin-Aerial-Yoga